There is a reason why the moderators want the crowds quiet. “There’s something consistent with her seizures . . . .” Sudden or loud crowd-related noises always precede her seizures. We should all go to the next debate / event and make all the noise we can.
Cuban will be sitting in the front row clapping like a seal for the right to give away 65% of his money to the government. Awkward.
Moments after the announcement, a protester voices her disdain over Seattle’s apathy toward the grand jury decision not to prosecute officer Darren Wilson for killing Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. I get it — apparently the “Seattle Freeze” extends beyond the city’s unusual standoffishness.
What does all of this social and economic discord — most recently, the Ferguson protests and riots — have to do with coinciding with the recent release of Mocking Jay, part one?
I’ve already read the whole The Hunger Games trilogy by author Suzanne Collins, so I know how it ends. I’m not going to tell you the ending, but I do have some thoughts on it. Apparently — I noticed after doing a little looking — I am not the only one.
I suspect that if you are reading this page, then you are quite capable of participating in the concept of reading books. With that being said, you can either read the books for yourself; or you can just wait and watch it unfold all around you in real-time — the next step in entertainment: Live, interactive theater fear-porn.
Predictive programming (Just look for examples here). . . . a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by TPTB.