Does This Explanation Regarding My Broken Account to Twitter Support Seem too Confusing?

My @CyberDurden Twitter account was reinstated — broken. My follower count didn’t repopulate and new followers after reinstatement were automatically unfollowed (without my involvement).

Also, other Twitter users were reporting to me that my replies to their posts were showing as unavailable or not appearing at all. On my end, they looked completely normal.


Twitter Support replied:

Click on image to expand

I decided to use a Tweet from my @CyberDurden account commenting on my band’s account, @FralexNine.  I will post a link for each and a screenshot for each.  (This happens with any account where I attempt interactions.)

My @CyberDurden account replying to @FralexNine:

Click on image to expand

My band’s account, @FralexNine, sees NOTHING from @CyberDurden:

Click on image to expand

I have had a mutual follower confirm the same with his account.  Nobody replies to my comments, because nobody is seeing them.

I further stated:

I’m not sure how to clarify it more.  My @CyberDurden account is broken.  I am replying to the void.  Tweets are only visible if users come to my page to see them.  If you have an account, that I attempt a reply, you can see for yourself. (unless there is something different about Twitter employees’ accounts, which is likely to be the case).

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