Hillary Clinton would Be the Queen of Hearts if She Steals the Election

. . . . or heartless queen.


“Painting the roses red . . . .”

You have to read Gary Byrne’s book, Crisis of Character, and watch the following video from Disney’s Alice in Wonderland because that is exactly whatever Hillary’s staff would have to adopt as standard operating procedure and endure should she steal this election.

Secret Service call-sign:  Queen of Hearts

More outbursts (not limited to these videos):

There are many more if you look.

If you want an alternative thoughts for  what might be any sense just why and how this election is so crazy, follow Scott Adams’ Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays

He’s been predicting a Trump landslide since last year and blogging about Trump’s master persuasion powers at blog.dilbert.com.

There is an archive of Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts.

Also, it would serve everyone well to listen to the What Really Happened radio show 1pm – 4pm PST.  Here is an archive of the shows:

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