and I thought it was all about the Bogus 9II Saudis did report :^(
By the way–Over million middle eastern innocent folks died under Obama and Hillary and little concern but having little sex on the side is a BIG NO NO!
Senator Cruz, his wife who works at Goldman Sachs are all anti-Trump. The banking and oil conglomerates are against Mr. Trump. In this new ebook it disucsses it:
An author found Clinton’s election playbook on the Deep Web. It involves reactivating the Weather Underground led by Bill Ayers. The explosive type used in the Brussels attack will be used on Trump.
Paypal, based in Israel and anti-Trump, refuses to process payments to buy the ebook. Also, the US Government is blocking the sales of the ebook. You have to buy it through an offshore payment system.
“A Murder Conspiracy Against Donald J. Trump”
The “thing already was released when Ted Cruz un zipped his pants and let out the thing!
and I thought it was all about the Bogus 9II Saudis did report :^(
By the way–Over million middle eastern innocent folks died under Obama and Hillary and little concern but having little sex on the side is a BIG NO NO!
Senator Cruz, his wife who works at Goldman Sachs are all anti-Trump. The banking and oil conglomerates are against Mr. Trump. In this new ebook it disucsses it:
An author found Clinton’s election playbook on the Deep Web. It involves reactivating the Weather Underground led by Bill Ayers. The explosive type used in the Brussels attack will be used on Trump.
Paypal, based in Israel and anti-Trump, refuses to process payments to buy the ebook. Also, the US Government is blocking the sales of the ebook. You have to buy it through an offshore payment system.
“A Murder Conspiracy Against Donald J. Trump”
You have a good taste.