Tag Archives: Bully

Coffee with Scott Adams (10-27-2016)

This can be a companion video to Scott’s blog post:  A Lesson in Cognitive Dissonance.


  • Inducing hallucinations in Clinton supporters
  • In the real word, do you wait for (verbal) permission to touch a woman?
  • Women can’t always reliably tell when they are horny
  • Periscope shadowbans Scott as he mentions Milo

Today’s Scott Adams’ Tweets

Scott Adams’ Periscope replays used to auto-delete after 24 hours.  I maintain the videos at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive and offline for historical purposes and for the media to use (right).

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays or his Gab account: @ScottAdams.

(You can follow me on Twitter @CyberDurden) or Gab @Cyberdurden)

I make videos too!