Tag Archives: Election

Coffee with Scott Adams (11-04-2016)

This can be a companion video for Scott’s blog posts: Unhypnotizing a Clinton Supporter and Trump the Closer.


  • Spirit cooking with Scott Adams
  • Are we ever going to see a Clinton scandal that doesn’t involve sperm?
  • If you are a Trump supporter an investigation by the FBI is a big deal.  If you are a Clinton supporter it just sounds like, “bla bla bla.”
  • Scott discusses a talk he gave to Clinton supporters at Stanford university last night
  • Whenever there is crowd-related violence, usually it is Clinton supporters.
  • Republicans use guns for defense and hunting.   Democrats use guns to shoot people.
  • Satan worshiping
  • Scott needs evidence of government child sex ring conspiracies –(I’ll put this here . . . The Franklin Coverup Scandal: The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse)

Today’s Scott Adam’s Tweets

Scott Adams’ Periscope replays used to auto-delete after 24 hours.  I maintain the videos at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive and offline for historical purposes and for the public and media to use (right).  Twitter has already removed Vine.

These companion-posts are also useful as a searchable reference for Scott’s accumulating broadcasts .

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays or his Gab account: @ScottAdams.

(You can follow me on Twitter @CyberDurden) or Gab @Cyberdurden)

This is my trifecta of daily listening.  (You should follow them too!)

I make videos too!


Coffee with Scott Adams (11-02-2016)

This can be a companion video to Scott’s blog post: The Persuasion Scorecard Update – One Week Out.

Scott Adams’ Periscope replays used to auto-delete after 24 hours.  I maintain the videos at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive and offline for historical purposes and for the public and media to use (right).  Twitter has already removed Vine.

These companion-posts are also useful as a searchable reference for Scott’s accumulating broadcasts .

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays or his Gab account: @ScottAdams.

(You can follow me on Twitter @CyberDurden) or Gab @Cyberdurden)

This is my trifecta of daily listening.  (You should follow them too!)

I make videos too!

Scott Adams Makes Spooky Prediction with Trick-or-Treaters for Halloween Night

Scott’s neighbors are so damn polite — it’s almost disgusting.  I love it!  Scott’s neighborhood scores high on the ‘despotism scale.’

Scott Adams’ Periscope replays used to auto-delete after 24 hours.  I maintain the videos at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive and offline for historical purposes and for the public and media to use (right).  Twitter has already removed Vine.

These companion-posts are also useful as a searchable reference for Scott’s accumulating broadcasts .

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays or his Gab account: @ScottAdams.

(You can follow me on Twitter @CyberDurden) or Gab @Cyberdurden)

This is my trifecta of daily listening.  (You should follow them too!)

I make videos too!

Coffee with Scott Adams (10-30-2016)

This can be a companion video for Scott’s blog post:  James Comey – As seen through the Persuasion Filter.


  • Are Clinton voters, who know she is a criminal, accomplices in Clinton’s crimes?
  • Michael Moore
  • There is a time to grab your guns and hit the streets, but this isn’t one of those times
  • The subliminal effects of “drain the swamp” and “crooked Hillary.”

Today’s Scott Adams Tweets

Scott Adams’ Periscope replays used to auto-delete after 24 hours.  I maintain the videos at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive and offline for historical purposes and for the media to use (right).

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays or his Gab account: @ScottAdams.

(You can follow me on Twitter @CyberDurden) or Gab @Cyberdurden)

I make videos too!

Coffee with Scott Adams (10-27-2016)

This can be a companion video to Scott’s blog post:  A Lesson in Cognitive Dissonance.


  • Inducing hallucinations in Clinton supporters
  • In the real word, do you wait for (verbal) permission to touch a woman?
  • Women can’t always reliably tell when they are horny
  • Periscope shadowbans Scott as he mentions Milo

Today’s Scott Adams’ Tweets

Scott Adams’ Periscope replays used to auto-delete after 24 hours.  I maintain the videos at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive and offline for historical purposes and for the media to use (right).

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays or his Gab account: @ScottAdams.

(You can follow me on Twitter @CyberDurden) or Gab @Cyberdurden)

I make videos too!

Coffee with Scott Adams (10-23-2016)

This can be a video companion to Scott’s blog posts: Twitter and Periscope Shadowban Update, and How to Legally Vote More than Once.


  • Trump’s policy speech
  • What Trump could say to win the election
  • How landline telephone polls are not reliable when polling Trump voters (preference falsification)
  • If it’s true that Twitter is shadowbanning Scott, simply for political speech, it amounts to treason — Twitter will need to die
  • Project Veritas videos should be the only thing being covered in the Corporate Media right now
  • The interview with Megyn Kelly and Donna Brazile
  • Periscope artificially drops the viewer count during the broadcast #Shadowban
  • Read the blog posts at the top of this page

(Webmaster addition:  Periscope also cut the comments feed toward the end, during the replay.)

Today’s Scott Adams’ Tweets

All of Scott Adams’ Periscope replays auto-delete after 24 hours.  More videos are at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive.

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays

(You can follow me at @CyberDurden)

This is my trifecta of daily listening.  (You should follow them too!)

(The one hour overlap between WRH and Leykis, so I pay attention to both for about fifteen minutes and decided which is gripping me more that day.  It really sucks having to choose one for the other.)

I make videos too!

Coffee with Scott Adams (10-15-2016)

“If Hillary Clinton gets elected, there will never be another male president.”


  • Soliciting Dilbert ideas
  • Celebrity accusations
  • “By the way — anybody, who votes for Hillary Clinton, is fuckin’ dead to me.”
  • There are enough men, who themselves have been the subject of false accusations, who are going to vote for Trump for that reason alone
  • Scott uses the McMartin Preschool case as an example of how it is possible for Trump to be falsely accused by multiple women of being molested
  • Scott uses a recent event where a delusional woman left her husband and moved to Scott’s neighborhood because she believed that Scott had been communicating with her via his Dilbert comics (it’s not the first time it’s happened!)
  • Mass delusion is a common phenomenon — Scott puts odd of all of the women lying about Trumps unwanted advances at 40%
  • Scott uses the movie Octopussy (1983) for context on ‘male aggressive behavior’
  • “If Hillary Clinton gets elected, there will never another male president”
  • Prediction for next debate — Trump will win unless he is forced into defensive mode
  • Where in the world is Hillary Clinton?
  • “Would you vote for Gary Johnson if he decided to make me his advisor?”

Today’s Tweets

All of Scott Adams’ Periscope replays auto-delete after 24 hours.  More videos are at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive.

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays

(You can follow me at @CyberDurden)

This is my trifecta of daily listening.  (You should follow them too!)

(The one hour overlap between WRH and Leykis, so I pay attention to both for about fifteen minutes and decided which is gripping me more that day.  It really sucks having to choose one for the other.)

I make videos too!

Coffee or Tea with Scott Adams from London (10-11-2016)


  • We’ve basically whittled our presidential decision down to the candidates’ private thoughts.
  • “So, you think the GOP sabotaged it’s own candidate?” (And it begins to unravel on ‘Pussygate’!)
  • Scott is sticking to his prediction of 98%  of winning in a landslide
  • Poll numbers do not have credibility anymore
  • War with Russia and terrorist cell phones
  • A market collapse is going to happen
  • Carrie Fisher says that Trump’s sniffing signifies cocaine? (Confirmation bias?)
  • Trump’s pacing and the fly that God sent
  • Story of Bill Clinton’s ‘illegitimate’ son and maintaining the black vote
  • The outcome of the election now depends on the appearance of a black swan
  • The last question of the debate

Today’s Tweets

All of Scott Adams’ Periscope replays auto-delete after 24 hours.  More videos are at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive.

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays

(You can follow me at @CyberDurden)

This is my trifecta of daily listening.  (You should follow them too!)

It sucks that there is a one hour overlap between WRH and Leykis, so I pay attention to both for about fifteen minutes and decided which is gripping me more that day.  Really sucks.)

I make videos too!

Hot Chocolate with Scott Adams — from Switzerland (10-07-2016)


  • Backup plan to switch to Gab if banned from Twitter
  • Donald Trump’s global warming argument is actually pretty good
  • The upcoming debate
  • Obamacare
  • Hillary and alcohol
  • BBC asked Scott to be interviewed since he will be back in London — specifically about Trump’s “pacing and leading” of the public
  • Why you shouldn’t take Trump literally — it’s called hyperbole

Today’s Tweets

All of Scott Adams’ Periscope replays auto-delete after 24 hours.  More videos are at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive.

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays

(You can follow me at @CyberDurden)

I make videos too!