Scott Adams began this Periscope broadcast by asking, “Is it my imagination, or is Hillary nowhere to be seen?” Then, he asked for a [virtual] show of hands from the Periscope participants who too feel that Trump seems to be running unopposed as Scott has been predicting since last year. There were many responses in agreement. Were there too many?
This is the only time that the Periscope comments do not show in the playback. Was that glitch?
In this broadcast, Scott talks about:
- Trump possibly temporarily declaring U.S. post offices as Mexican embassies and offering illegal Mexican immigrants the opportunity to officially apply to reenter the country legally (or for deportation)
- Because of the internet, Trump will be the first direct-democracy president
- Hillary Clinton’s health
- Media jumping the shark over Trump’s regret speech
- The public’s fear of answering polls honestly
- Blowback from naked Trump statues. (“Does Hillary Clinton disavow the big, fat, naked Trump statues?”)