Tag Archives: Hillary

Coffee with Scott Adams (11-04-2016)

This can be a companion video for Scott’s blog posts: Unhypnotizing a Clinton Supporter and Trump the Closer.


  • Spirit cooking with Scott Adams
  • Are we ever going to see a Clinton scandal that doesn’t involve sperm?
  • If you are a Trump supporter an investigation by the FBI is a big deal.  If you are a Clinton supporter it just sounds like, “bla bla bla.”
  • Scott discusses a talk he gave to Clinton supporters at Stanford university last night
  • Whenever there is crowd-related violence, usually it is Clinton supporters.
  • Republicans use guns for defense and hunting.   Democrats use guns to shoot people.
  • Satan worshiping
  • Scott needs evidence of government child sex ring conspiracies –(I’ll put this here . . . The Franklin Coverup Scandal: The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse)

Today’s Scott Adam’s Tweets

Scott Adams’ Periscope replays used to auto-delete after 24 hours.  I maintain the videos at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive and offline for historical purposes and for the public and media to use (right).  Twitter has already removed Vine.

These companion-posts are also useful as a searchable reference for Scott’s accumulating broadcasts .

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays or his Gab account: @ScottAdams.

(You can follow me on Twitter @CyberDurden) or Gab @Cyberdurden)

This is my trifecta of daily listening.  (You should follow them too!)

I make videos too!


Scott Adams Makes Spooky Prediction with Trick-or-Treaters for Halloween Night

Scott’s neighbors are so damn polite — it’s almost disgusting.  I love it!  Scott’s neighborhood scores high on the ‘despotism scale.’

Scott Adams’ Periscope replays used to auto-delete after 24 hours.  I maintain the videos at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive and offline for historical purposes and for the public and media to use (right).  Twitter has already removed Vine.

These companion-posts are also useful as a searchable reference for Scott’s accumulating broadcasts .

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays or his Gab account: @ScottAdams.

(You can follow me on Twitter @CyberDurden) or Gab @Cyberdurden)

This is my trifecta of daily listening.  (You should follow them too!)

I make videos too!

Coffee with Scott Adams (10-14-2016)

“.  . . .  by the way, there’s nothing I’m more tired of on Twitter, at the moment, than the people saying to me that Trump didn’t ask for permission before kissing.  OK; Is there anybody here who’s ever successfully kissed a woman after asking for permission?”

This can be a companion video for Scott’s blog post:  Assume Half of What You Hear About the Candidates is True.


  • “I go away for one week, and look what you did to the country!”
  • If nothing changes between now and election night, Clinton will win
  • Polls are irrelevant
  • “We’ve reach a time where peoples’ inner-thoughts are available to us.” (Hot mic!)
  • Scott compares uses story about Garfield cartoonist, Jim Davis, as an example of possible Trump impersonator groping women.
    *Author’s comment: That’s it.  I’m shaving my head and teaching myself how to draw Dilbert!
  • “Is there anybody here who’s ever successfully kissed a woman after asking for permission?”
  • Everyone flirts with Scott
  • Trump’s war with the media is justified
  • Scott warns the Clinton camp not to make him mad
  • Wikileaks and “wet works”



  • Trump not likely to recover from latest accusations
  • Clinton’s scandals are camouflaged; whereas, Trump scandals are visual
  • Unless something big changes things, Clinton will win
  • It’s safe to endorse Gary Johnson because he only touches himself — an only with permission

Today’s Tweets

All of Scott Adams’ Periscope replays auto-delete after 24 hours.  More videos are at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive.

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays

(You can follow me at @CyberDurden)

This is my trifecta of daily listening.  (You should follow them too!)

(The one hour overlap between WRH and Leykis, so I pay attention to both for about fifteen minutes and decided which is gripping me more that day.  It really sucks having to choose one for the other.)

I make videos too!

Coffee or Tea with Scott Adams from London (10-11-2016)


  • We’ve basically whittled our presidential decision down to the candidates’ private thoughts.
  • “So, you think the GOP sabotaged it’s own candidate?” (And it begins to unravel on ‘Pussygate’!)
  • Scott is sticking to his prediction of 98%  of winning in a landslide
  • Poll numbers do not have credibility anymore
  • War with Russia and terrorist cell phones
  • A market collapse is going to happen
  • Carrie Fisher says that Trump’s sniffing signifies cocaine? (Confirmation bias?)
  • Trump’s pacing and the fly that God sent
  • Story of Bill Clinton’s ‘illegitimate’ son and maintaining the black vote
  • The outcome of the election now depends on the appearance of a black swan
  • The last question of the debate

Today’s Tweets

All of Scott Adams’ Periscope replays auto-delete after 24 hours.  More videos are at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive.

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays

(You can follow me at @CyberDurden)

This is my trifecta of daily listening.  (You should follow them too!)

It sucks that there is a one hour overlap between WRH and Leykis, so I pay attention to both for about fifteen minutes and decided which is gripping me more that day.  Really sucks.)

I make videos too!