Tag Archives: #Trumpening

Coffee with Scott Adams (10-30-2016)

This can be a companion video for Scott’s blog post:  James Comey – As seen through the Persuasion Filter.


  • Are Clinton voters, who know she is a criminal, accomplices in Clinton’s crimes?
  • Michael Moore
  • There is a time to grab your guns and hit the streets, but this isn’t one of those times
  • The subliminal effects of “drain the swamp” and “crooked Hillary.”

Today’s Scott Adams Tweets

Scott Adams’ Periscope replays used to auto-delete after 24 hours.  I maintain the videos at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive and offline for historical purposes and for the media to use (right).

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays or his Gab account: @ScottAdams.

(You can follow me on Twitter @CyberDurden) or Gab @Cyberdurden)

I make videos too!

Coffee with Scott Adams (09-26-2016) #Trumpening

“We’re on the cusp of something here that I think is much bigger than just electing the President.  There is a complete change of awareness.  I think there’s like a fundamental shift of awareness that’s happening now.”

This can also be a companion video for Scott’s blog post:  Trump’s African-American Reframing.


  • During tonight’s debate, we will see the “Trumpening”
  • Hillary’s drunken ‘appearance’
  • Debate speculation
  • Kristina Basham will be hosting Scott‘s Periscope broadcast while watching — with you

All of Scott Adams’ Periscope replays auto-delete after 24 hours.  More videos are at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive.

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays

(You can follow me at @CyberDurden)