Tag Archives: Twitter

Coffee with Scott Adams (10-23-2016)

This can be a video companion to Scott’s blog posts: Twitter and Periscope Shadowban Update, and How to Legally Vote More than Once.


  • Trump’s policy speech
  • What Trump could say to win the election
  • How landline telephone polls are not reliable when polling Trump voters (preference falsification)
  • If it’s true that Twitter is shadowbanning Scott, simply for political speech, it amounts to treason — Twitter will need to die
  • Project Veritas videos should be the only thing being covered in the Corporate Media right now
  • The interview with Megyn Kelly and Donna Brazile
  • Periscope artificially drops the viewer count during the broadcast #Shadowban
  • Read the blog posts at the top of this page

(Webmaster addition:  Periscope also cut the comments feed toward the end, during the replay.)

Today’s Scott Adams’ Tweets

All of Scott Adams’ Periscope replays auto-delete after 24 hours.  More videos are at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive.

You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays

(You can follow me at @CyberDurden)

This is my trifecta of daily listening.  (You should follow them too!)

(The one hour overlap between WRH and Leykis, so I pay attention to both for about fifteen minutes and decided which is gripping me more that day.  It really sucks having to choose one for the other.)

I make videos too!