“The only way that Clinton can win is by convincing half of the country that we’re actually in the middle of a Nazi uprising. Now how dangerous is that? I mean think about it. How dangerous is it to convince — and actually effectively convince — half of the country that they’re right in the middle of a Nazi revolution? Like that’s the movie playing in half of the country’s head right now . . . in their movie [in their heads], they are actually actors in a play — or in a movie, let’s call it — in which they’re in the middle of an actual revolution by Nazis.”
- Scott talks Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR)
- The so-called ‘Miss Piggy’ situation and Trump
- Scott and Kristina planning a trip to London
- Using the power of persuasion, responsibly
- People who are being harassed for being Trump supporters
- The Clinton campaign has convinced its flock that Trump is the second-coming of Adolf Hitler
- How Scott would have handled the ‘Birther’ question during the first debate
- Health benefits of marijuana
Great book by @ScottAdamsSays ?????????????????????? pic.twitter.com/0FAySrYsaF
— Kristina Basham (@kristina_basham) September 18, 2016
Today’s Tweets
Remember: #AliciaMachado is imprisoned meth kingpin Gerardo “El Indio” Alvarez Vazquez’ baby mama. She and @HillaryClinton are hiding it.
— WeSearchr (@wesearchr) September 30, 2016
Clinton campaign sent an army of trolls to pollute my question. It means they fear it. https://t.co/cBsluImwLp
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) September 30, 2016
That race was rigged by super delegates. Ask Bernie. https://t.co/3akVa3aVSo
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) September 30, 2016
Coincidence? https://t.co/nzTmqiRbzS
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) September 30, 2016
With friends like this, who needs Pepe? https://t.co/PcKD0O7w1x
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) September 30, 2016
The “bro” tell for cognitive dissonance. https://t.co/mvZSp6SQ9t
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) September 30, 2016
Stop it! I’m blushing! https://t.co/zmCPL3Ru4V
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) September 30, 2016
Spot the “wow” tell for cognitive dissonance. https://t.co/fPTD79SKpy
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) September 30, 2016
Cough. Drop. #Trump https://t.co/5gLEZzrf8s
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) September 30, 2016
@ScottAdamsSays @Ricky_Vaughn99 got attacked the other day and wrist fractured for being an Irish trump supporter and wearing MAGA cap pic.twitter.com/VoXPGTxYGA
— Horhay (@HELlCOPTERS) September 30, 2016
People from New York state often talk this way. It only seems shocking outside the state. https://t.co/haUWMIQMqE
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) September 30, 2016
Is it more like Hitler to wear a Trump hat or to incite violence against one group of citizens? #Hitlery https://t.co/DS9U9JRbs9
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) September 30, 2016
All of Scott Adams’ Periscope replays auto-delete after 24 hours. More videos are at the Scott Adams Periscope Archive.
You can follow Scott Adams’ Periscope broadcasts from his Twitter account: @ScottAdamsSays
(You can follow me at @CyberDurden)
I make videos too!
NAZI = National SOCIALIST Workers Party
NAZIS broke up opposition political party rallies to SUPPRESS FREE SPEECH
DEMOCRATS break up TRUMP political rallies to SUPPRESS FREE SPEECH
George Soros WWII NAZI
#BLM, #Democracyspring and #moveon are funded by SOROS
SOROS is a Clinton supporting DEMOCRAT —- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgGGu6ONoAk — http://www.politico.com/story/2016/01/hillary-clinton-george-soros-218494 “George Soros to co-chair Hillary Clinton super PAC”
Clinton belongs to the group that started Dawn with a new Day, or New Dawn. They were responsible for killing 20 million Russians and Ukrainians and the Russian Royal Family.
Everything and I mean Everything you know about Hitler is a complete and total lie spun by the very same Group Clinton represents.
Talk about Deception. (Through Deception We Shall Do War)
Playing Both sides(the lie on Hitler is people think he was evil and Nazi was the name of his military force(Nazi is made up, there is no such thing) Same lie is that the Swastika is Bad(that is the oldest symbol of God Consciousness)
Do to Propaganda Brain washing by the The Group Clinton belongs to people believe the lie. Saying anything Hitler or Nazi against the public can stir up emotions and be used against them in effective Psychological Warfare.
Putin is like Hitler, Assad is like Hitler, Trump is like Hitler…
Were in the Middle of a Nazi revolution! and it continues.
For Christ’s sake, will the media please get off this Hitler thing? Adolph Hitler developed the most successful economic plan in history to revive Germany.
He offered more peace proposals than anyone in history to prevent a world war.
No one but Hitler was faced with enemies galore who wanted Germany destroyed because of his many successes.
So can we please get off this comparison with Hitler thing!?!
The Clinton “flock” are Libtards.
I think they got their revolutions mixed up.
But either way, their commie-ness precedes them..